laser hair removal legs

Laser Hair Removal: Get Started Now for a Hairless Summer

Say goodbye to temporary hair removal methods like tweezing, waxing, shaving and creams. New technology in laser hair removal provides safe and effective treatments for dramatically reducing and eliminating unwanted hair.

Our team of licensed practitioners utilizes state-of-the art laser technology to dramatically reduce hair growth and eliminate unwanted hair. With a high-energy controlled beam of energy, the laser damages the hair follicle and destroys its ability to re-grow. Depending upon the area being treated, the procedure can take anywhere from a few minutes to over an hour. Significantly less hair grows back with each treatment and it typically takes a series of 4 or more treatments to achieve maximum results. Most patients have a quick recovery with minimal discomfort. Bikini lines, legs, back, underarms and other areas where unwanted hair commonly develops can be a thing of the past.

At Belcara Health, our procedures are overseen by our Board Certified Plastic Surgeons in our medical facility. We provide advanced state-of –the-art technology often not available in a non-medical facility.

Belcara Health offers personalized treatment packages.
To schedule your appointment, please call 410.296.0414.

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