fat transfer enhance breast size

FAQ’s on Fat Transfer for Breast Augmentation

Fat transfer to enhance breast size and shape is a hot topic these days! We receive many questions about this procedure on a daily basis so we thought we’d provide answers to the most commonly asked questions here.

What are the benefits?

A Fat Transfer for Breast Enhancement procedure creates beautifully enhanced breasts that are completely natural. Your breasts will look natural, feel natural and consist of your very own fat tissues. This procedure allows your surgeon to have greater control over the shape of the breast by placing the fat where it is needed and build up the breast mound gradually and more strategically than with an implant. Also, not will you have beautifully enhanced breasts, but fat from your donor sites – saddle bags and muffin tops, etc. – will be reduced and sculpted!

Breast Enhancement Guide

Interested in learning more before scheduling your free consultation? Get a sneak peek of what to expect by accessing our Procedure Guides. Fill out the form below to get access and learn the ins and outs of your personal transformation.

What are the disadvantages?

Results from a breast enhancement using a fat transfer procedure are not as predictable as using an implant. A 300 cc implant is going to result in a 300 cc larger breast. With Fat Transfer, your results depend upon how much of the transferred fat survives in its new location. Fortunately, the plastic surgeons at Belcara Health are highly skilled in the meticulous techniques required for the successful transfer of fat and often see a well above-average survival of transferred fat and long-lasting results.

Am I a candidate?

Fat Transfer for Breast Enhancement is most appropriate for patients who wish to modestly increase their breast size or make relatively minor adjustments to their breast shape. Large augmentation (AA to a C cup) is achieved better with breast implants. Also, you must have enough body fat to accommodate the procedure. Slender women may not have enough body fat in their donor areas.

What can I expect during recovery?

In general, Fat Transfer for Breast Enhancement patients should plan:

  • One week before returning to work
  • 5-7 days before driving
  • 4-6 weeks wearing support garments
  • Two weeks before light exercise
  • Four weeks before more strenuous exercise

How long will my results “last”?

The survival of the transferred fat and your results largely depends on the skills, experience, and expertise of your surgeon. To survive in its new location, your transferred fat must establish a new blood supply to receive the nourishment it needs to survive. When harvested and injected correctly, fat transfer procedure results should be permanent. It is normal for there to be a percentage of transferred fat that does not survive, which is why touch-up procedures are sometimes necessary.

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Our Practitioners Who Specialize in Fat Transfer Breast Augmentations

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Dr. Michael D. Cohen

Medical Director, Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon & Breast Specialist

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Dr. Gary A. Vela

Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon & Body Contouring Specialist

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Dr. Sarah McMillan

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon & Breast and Body Contouring Specialist

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